Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Good Decisions

Before gathering equipment for this trip, preparing the bikes, and making reservations, an enormous amount of effort was spent in developing the route, determining timelines, evaluating logistics for the Alaska Marine Highway, and researching other riders who have made this or similar trips to insure the viability of this adventure.

I would be badly remiss if I didn't thank a dear friend and 25+ year riding buddy for his efforts in assembling all the research, routes, and reservations for this trip. Rick Rushing did yeoman's work in preparation, including acquiring and equipping a bike to join me on this ride.

Sadly, Rick's father is in failing health and rather than forge ahead with the trip, Rick has turned over his plans and opted to spend the remaining days at Charles' side. A hard decision at a difficult time, but the right decision for all the right reasons.

Godspeed Rick, thanks for all your help, and thanks for supporting your family though this difficult time. I look forward to your company on the next big trip!


1 comment:

  1. Woody- I noticed your route map. Be sure to stop at Rice Hill Oreggon for Ice Cream. It's about 25 north of Roseburg on I-5. The place is called K and R. drive in.- Order 3 scoops just for the picture, then share with about 6 friends.
